Royal Family Kids Camp
Cedar Mill Bible Church is celebrating our 25th year of Royal Family Kids Camp where we have served over 1000 children in the foster care system. Campers get the ‘royal treatment’ where they can simply enjoy being a kid while experiencing God’s love through the care of our team members.
The Royal Treatment
A whole week of camp
One counselor for every two campers
Fun for everyone - playing, fishing, swimming, and craft-making
Bible teaching, times of praise, and quiet times with Jesus
Time to be a kid and leave behind worries and responsibilities
“Everybody’s Birthday Party” - a birthday party just for them, with presents!
Three good meals a day, guaranteed!
Testimonials from DHS
“Thank you for giving our kids an amazing experience they’ll never forget, a treasure trove of happy memories, new skills and abilities, passions and interests, unconditional love and acceptance, and the knowledge that there are many people in this world with hearts of gold. I am inspired by all of you!”
“My kids had the ultimate blast!”
“I heard one child say they would be too old to go next year, but wanted to return as a counselor!”
“I hear so much from the foster parents about how good the camp was for the kids. Thank you for providing a valuable resource.”

Get InvolveD
If you’d like to be a part of our team, consider serving in one of these areas.
Join us for the full week of camp as a counselor of two campers or as a relief counselor serving in a variety of roles.
Join a team to help with music, drama, puppets, crafts, sound, photography, or nursing. Involvement opportunities may include time at camp and/or preparing materials before camp begins.
Help with registration of campers at Cedar Mill Bible Church on Monday morning, June 30th.
Volunteer to help with a one-day “Special Event” (activity night, birthday party, etc.)
Assist in truck loading/unloading. Help is needed on Saturday afternoon, June 28th, and Friday afternoon, July 4th. U-Haul Drivers are also needed for Sunday, June 29th, and Friday, July 4th.
Minister to the full-time staff by assisting at the Welcome Home Dinner on Friday, July 4th.
Help sponsor a camper by giving financially.
Join the prayer team! You’ll receive regular updates and invitations to group prayer times and may be paired with a counselor and his/her two kids to pray for by name! Click or tap the button below for our 14 Days of Prayer.
What is For The Children?
For The Children (formerly RFKC, Inc.) is 40 years old this year! Founded in 1985 by Wayne and Diane Tesch, they began their first Royal Family KIDS Camp in southern California. Over the years, churches around the nation and beyond have joined in this ministry. In 2023, there were over 240 camps (over 200 in the US and 25 internationally). Wayne and Diane’s vision for FTC is to serve foster children in every state – over 45 states hosted camps last year.
What makes RFKC unique?
Campers that attend RFKC are invited by our local Department of Human Services. Most of our campers are not living with their biological families and have suffered from various forms of abuse or neglect. Our goal at camp is to offer them a week of “royal treatment”, where they can simply enjoy being a kid while experiencing God’s love through the love of our team members.
How can I be involved?
There are endless ways for you to get involved with this year’s camp. The list of options ranges from minutes to hours to days, before and during the week at camp, June 30-July 4, 2025. But no matter how you choose to get involved, you will be part of making a lifelong difference in the lives of these kids!
I want to be involved but don’t have the time to commit. What can I do?
Join the Prayer Team: We are well aware that the work put into making camp special for these kids would be in vain without God’s blessing. We would, therefore, ask you and your family to join us in praying for our campers and the week at camp. If you let us know you would like to pray, we will be sure to send you regular prayer requests and praises! We will also inform you of any prayer meeting times where we can join together on our knees.
Give financially: We are grateful for how God has led our congregation to faithfully give to this ministry! Our campers pay only $15 for the entire week. In actuality, it costs approximately $500 per camper! (This amount doesn’t include all the costs of housing our RFKC staff.)
If God is leading you to support this ministry, simply place your gift in the giving boxes at Cedar Mill. If you are not prepared to do so at this time, remember that you can specify a gift to RFKC at any time of the year! (Please Note: Always make checks payable to Cedar Mill Bible Church and designate RFKC on the memo line and offering envelope.)
If you have any questions about Royal Family Kids Camp, please contact us below!