Global & Local
Local Outreach
The Jesus Table
Cedar Mill Bible Church hosts a free meal with a touch of community every Tuesday from 6:00-7:00 pm in the Gym. It’s open to anyone in our area who needs a hot meal. If you would like to serve at The Jesus Table on Tuesday nights or would like more information, you can email Doug Marshall below.
Royal Family Kids Camp
Cedar Mill Bible Church has celebrated 25 years of Royal Family Kids Camp where we have served over 1000 children in the foster care system. Campers get the ‘royal treatment’ where they can simply enjoy being a kid while experiencing God’s love through the care of our team members.
Benevolence Fund
We believe in loving our neighbor, whatever it takes. The Benevolence Fund provides financial aid to those with urgent needs and helps people get back on their feet in the long term. We can assist with utility bills, rent, and various other needs. If you need assistance, please email our Benevolence Team to find out more information, or to request an application.
Portland Rescue Mission
Care, mentoring, and discipleship to those battling homelessness & addiction in Portland.
First Image/AVA Health
First Image serves women and families facing unplanned pregnancies in a safe, confidential, judgment-free environment.
Cedar Mill Refuge
Cedar Mill Refuge provides transitional housing for refugees fleeing war, famine, or persecution. We provide compassion, shelter, and cultural assistance to families who have left everything to start a new life in America. Jesus’ love has reached some of the darkest places on Earth.
Blanket Coverage
Blanket Coverage is a team within Cedar Mill that serves through the Blanket Coverage Ministry in downtown Portland. On Monday evenings, we make and serve hot soup and sandwiches and gather other necessities for the houseless and marginalized.
Road 2 Hope
Housing and care for young mothers in crisis. Road to Hope serves women 18 and up who need support during their pregnancy. Any young women from all cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds.
Global Outreach
David & Denise Moore
Serving in Oregon as Remote Field Coordinators with the Global Partnerships Team in Eastern Indonesia to continue worldwide Bible translation.
Amy L.
Equipping community leaders to empower girls and boys with their identity, value, and purpose. With your partnership, Amy is able to train and mentor leaders and develop curriculum for communities around the world (including the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Europe).
Bitrus Dasar
Through the Jesus Film and discipleship, The Christian Rural Evangelism Initiative works with churches and leaders of 30 tribes in Northern Nigeria to make the gospel available in native languages. We have supported this work since 2005. For more information, email Steve below.
Charlotte D
Equipping leaders of the unreached in Central Asia, focusing on the areas of community development, church planting, leadership, and organization development. For more information, email Charlotte below.
Choeun & Beth Steinbrenner
Supporting rural pastors and encouraging church planting. Helping rural congregations become financially able to support their own pastors and church activities as the members develop sustainable livelihoods. For more information, email Beth below.
Food for the Hungry
Partnering with local leaders and churches in Sacquil, Guatemala, building relationships, funding various development projects, providing leadership training, sending short-term teams, and participating in child sponsorship. For more information, email us below.
Luis Palau Association
Sharing the life-changing message of Jesus Christ with cities, cultures, and people groups around the world. For more information, visit their website.
Paula H.
International coordinator for women’s health. Providing training to nationals working with vulnerable women and families (men included!) in the areas of physical, spiritual, and relational health. For more information, email Paula below.
Sean & Shandra Galloway
Leading projects with CRU to address human trafficking in Ghana and India.
Linus Morris
Equipping and empowering Majority World church planters, pastors, and leaders. For more information, visit One Expedition below.
Lu Hawley
Through the Karen Leadership Development Program, Lu is training the next generation of Thailand’s largest mountain ethnic group. The students are living and growing together through leadership development and spiritual formation. For more information, email Lu below.
Greg & Kathy Steward
Providing opportunities for the local community to establish cross-cultural relationships with international students and scholars at Portland State University. For more information, contact Greg & Kathy below.
Good News for India
Providing training for Christian workers, pastors, and church planters in North India.