As we pursue biblical justice and reconciliation, nothing can replace our primary and ultimate guide; Scripture. Below is a list of additional resources our Elders and Pastors are also pursuing.
Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation by Latasha Morrison
Bloodlines (Foreword by Tim Keller): Race, Cross, and the Christian by John Piper
The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby
Let Justice Roll Down or One Blood by John M. Perkins
Roadmap to Reconciliation by Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil
Oneness Embraced: Reconciliation, the Kingdom, and How We are Stronger Together by Tony Evans
For Kids: A Kids Book About Racism by Jelani Memory. This is one conversation that’s never too early to start, and this book was written to be an introduction for kids on the topic.
“Letters from a Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr.
A Biblical Critique of Secular Justice and Critical Theory Article by Tim Keller
Pass the Mic Podcast by The Witness
Racial Reconciliation by The Gospel Coalition
Just Mercy Movie - A movie to stream on Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Redbox, Vudu, Microsoft, and YouTube.
13th Documentary on Netflix - This documentary shares how the 13th Amendment never truly abolished slavery and thus perpetuated systemic racism. Find a viewer’s guide with discussion questions here.
Selma (MLK). YouTube movie rental.
I Am Not Your Negro (African American author James Baldwin’s reflections on his relationships with Eggers, Malcolm X and MLK). YouTube movie rental.
Pastor Tim Keller explains systemic racism from a Biblical perspective - Watch Here
Frank and statistical discussion on racism by Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer - Watch Here
The Bible Project does a six-minute YouTube video on what the Bible has to say about Justice - Watch Here
Pastor and author Dr. Bryan Loritts discusses the multiethnic church of the New Testament as we learn from Ephesians 2 - Watch Here
At Cedar Mill Bible Church, we believe that God is the author of marriage and that He ordained and defined it clearly in Scripture. Marriage is described in the story of creation (Genesis 2:24) and affirmed by Jesus (Mark 10:6-9) and is designed by God to be a covenantal, lifelong, exclusive relationship between one man and one woman.
The Bible teaches that God’s ideal for marriage is oneness at every level, centered around the couple’s faith in Jesus. The marriage covenant is intended to be a beautiful reflection of God’s covenant with His people and a picture of the Gospel. It should be marked by faithfulness and sacrificial love as it reflects the great love of God for His people. (Exodus 20:14, 17; Leviticus 18:22-23; Hosea 2:16; Matthew 5:27-28, 19:4-9; John 2:1-12; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; Hebrews 13:4; Jude 7; Revelation 21:1-9).
Because marriage is God’s idea and He esteems it so highly, we do so as well. Yet we know that in this fallen world and the reality of our own brokenness, no marriage is perfect. We are all sinful and in need of God’s amazing grace and mercy. Because of this reality, our heart as a church family is to encourage, support, challenge, and point one another to Jesus as we seek to glorify God in our marriages and our lives.
Are you engaged or thinking about getting engaged? Congratulations! We are very excited for you and for all that God will do as you move toward marriage! We are also grateful for the privilege of assisting you along this journey.
Pre-engagement and pre-marital counseling consist of meeting with a pastor for 6-8 weeks in preparation for engagement or marriage. Below is the purpose of this counseling at Cedar Mill:
Biblical Foundation: We desire to help you build a solid, biblical foundation for your marriage that will glorify God. We will spend time in Scripture and thinking through biblical ideas as they apply to marriage.
Strength and Growth Areas: We will help you identify strength and growth areas in your relationship and discuss various topics such as communication, conflict, finances, sex, parenting, etc. The conversations that begin in pre-engagement and pre-marital counseling are just the beginning of a life-long process. We want to prepare you for marriage and not just the wedding day!
Conflict: We are all sinners in desperate need of a Savior. As long as you are two sinners, you will have conflict in your marriage. We hope to help you identify the areas of struggle in your relationship and assist you as you work through the areas of conflict.
Connect with one of our Pastors about pre-engagement and pre-marital counseling!
The Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller - Keller paints a vision from Scripture of what God intended marriage to be and helps set beautiful and realistic expectations for every couple in contrast to many of the myths that our culture promotes. We recommend it as foundational reading for couples, especially those entering a marriage.
Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas. We found this book helpful for couples counseling and believe it would also be great for community groups. While addressing various issues, it primarily focuses on how your marriage can build your relationship with God.
What Did You Expect? Paul Tripp. Every marriage has struggles and needs to be grounded in something more than romance and attraction. Tripp examines marriage through the lens of the Gospel. ”What did you expect?” is authentic, insightful, challenging, and practical and offers hope for a marriage that can only be found in Jesus.
Family Life Resources, Family Life - This site contains helpful articles, studies, events, and podcasts for personal or group use.
Re/Engage Marriage Course: Whether your marriage needs a little boost, to be reignited, or resurrected, Re/Engage provides a safe place for you to reconnect with your spouse. Re/Engage runs for 14 weeks on Sundays at Cedar Mill and is led by John and Becky Hamilton. The class format will include:
Teaching time.
Discussion in small groups with facilitator couples.
Weekly homework/exercises with your spouse.
Please reach out for information regarding the next available course.
Pastoral Counseling
We offer biblically-based, short-term counseling, care, and prayer with a pastor. Pastors are able to connect you with additional ongoing help/support as well if needed. Contact the church office for more information or an appointment. You can also call the church office at 503-644-3156.
Mending the Soul
Mending the Soul provides a safe environment to help believers who have experienced abuse, trauma, or neglect. This group looks at the nature of abuse, learns how it has impacted us, and works to heal and reconnect with God and others.
Groups begin periodically. To talk with a leader or get more information, leave a message on our confidential line at 503-644-3156 or email us below.
Professional Counseling
There are seasons in life when we need the training and experience of gifted counselors to help us work through difficult personal, relational, emotional, and spiritual issues. Contact the church office below if you need assistance identifying an appropriate licensed Christian counselor.
Stephen Ministry
Pastors will always be on the front lines of care but can’t always meet every need by themselves. Stephen Ministry equips God’s people for ministry. Gifted laypeople receive training to support and extend the care that pastors continue to provide.
Stephen Ministers care for people going through loss, hospitalization, divorce, spiritual crisis, illness, and many other challenges.
Betrayal & Beyond
Betrayal and Beyond is a support group designed to heal women who have experienced the trauma of sexual betrayal and broken trust within their marriage. The group meets weekly in a safe and confidential environment and is designed to help facilitate healing, growth, and hope! For more information, please email our team below.