
Latest Teaching

Listen to the latest teaching from our Sunday gathering.

As Jesus moves towards his sacrifice, He shares the Passover meal with His disciples. Around a table with his closest friends, Jesus prepares a meal that has sustained the Church for 2000 years. In this sermon, Rick McKinley will explore how the shape of the Lord’s Supper becomes the shape of Christian discipleship and in this simple meal of Bread and Wine, we find the grace to follow our Crucified King.


The Blessing – (Elevation Worship)
King of Kings – (Hillsong Worship)
We Praise You – (Brandon Lake)
Chris Be Magnified – (Cody Carnes)
All The Poor and Powerless – (The Worship Initiative)

Enjoy an ever-growing playlist of songs played on Sunday mornings at Cedar Mill Bible Church. Each week, we will add the songs from that Sunday's worship setlist to help encourage and inspire you throughout your week.

Past Messages