Being in community is a core part of being part of Cedar Mill. For this reason, we are encouraging everyone who isn't already in a group, to become part of one for our upcoming Nehemiah Sermon Series, starting on October 6. We're excited about exploring this book together on Sunday mornings and going deeper together in groups that will meet to dig deeper into the messages throughout the 8 weeks.
Join us on September 22 from 10:15 - 11:00 AM in the gym to explore your group options and get signed up.
Join an existing group. Many of our current groups have room for new people and would be glad to have you join them. We will have a table to find out about existing groups and sign up for one of them.
Join a new group. We have a number of leaders starting new groups. Come get to know them, hear about their hopes for their group, meet others who are looking for a group, and sign up for a group.
Start your own group with some of your friends. we will have people available to help you navigate the process and expectations for starting a group.
We'll be available for any questions and to help you find the right group for you. We look forward to seeing you there.